You can now use Kagi to register with credit cards! Kagi will also process cash and checks, however, I prefer that you continue to send those forms of payment directly to me.
Look for the latest File Buddy at the usual net sites (I hope to provide a specific list in the next release), CompuServe, and my web site discussed below.
I now have a web site, <> which as of 17 Sept 1996 is just being set up. As soon as possible it will provide:
The latest versions of all of my software for downloading.
The Kagi registration application for e-mail registration of File Buddy with credit cards.
Information about my software.
Stuff (exact content to be determined)
Please try standard Internet sites or on-line services to obtain the latest versions of File Buddy, RegisterFB, or FindFile Chooser before downloading from my site, as there are limitations to the amount that can be downloaded from mine. But if you can’t find them anywhere else, that’s why I put them on mine.
Site license rates have changed. See the Read Me for details.